Category: News
Competition Time: Black History Month
October is Black History Month. This year the theme is #ReclaimingNarratives, and you can read more about the significance of this month and the theme here.To mark this month and……
Year 11 Geography: Field Trip to Norfolk
YEAR 11 GEOGRAPHY STUDENTSOur recent Geography field trip to Norwich and Sheringham proved to be a truly enriching experience. The trip offered a unique opportunity to explore the fascinating relationships……
Competitive University Applications: Mr Fox's Co-Curricular Club
CHRIS FOX, HEAD OF SIXTH FORMOn Monday 30 September, students were joined by Cath Churchill, a trainee barrister and Natural Sciences graduate of Cambridge University.Cath passed on her hints and……
Into the Sixth Form: Year 10 and 11 Explore Their Academic Futures
Year 10 and 11 pupils and their families got the chance to explore life in Queenswood’s Sixth Form on 1 October, with a series of talks in the Clarissa Farr……
Speeches from Open Morning
We had a very successful Open Morning on Saturday 28 September. Thank you to the guides who gave such informative and enthusiastic tours of the school, and special thanks to……