Category: News
Weekend Fun: Our Suggestions for a Netflix Movie Night
After a busy morning of representing your school at the open event on Saturday, why not find some time to kick back this weekend and enjoy a cosy movie night…….
This Week I Am Reading… Why Animals Talk by Arik Kershenbaum
Why Animals Talk: The New Science of Animal Communication by Arik Kershenbaum Why Animals Talk is a scientific journey through the untamed world of animal communication. From the majestic howls……
This Week in Chapel: Meet School Prefects Glory and Charlotte
IN ASSEMBLYIn assembly this week Mrs Stokes introduced herself as someone who does much more than look after the Yondr pouches! As Deputy Head Pastoral, Mrs Stokes told us that……
Mid-Autumn Festival Celebrations: A Report from the Newsletter Club
Our Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations at Queenswood were fantastic fun this week as our students enjoyed lantern making, moon gazing and traditional Chinese tea. Mymwood Boarding House was spectacularly decorated for……
This Week I Am Reading… Not for the Faint of Heart by Lex Croucher
Not for the Faint of Heart by Lex Croucher Rip-roaringly romantic, fast-paced and funny – discover the brand new Sapphic historical fantasy adventure from the author of Cafe Nero Award……