Category: News
The Queenswoodian Magazine 2023-24
Read the Queenswoodian Magazine online Welcome to what has turned out to be the biggest ever edition of the Queenswoodian magazine. What makes this such a jam-packed issue? For a……
Year 10 English: Creative Writing Inspired by Poetry
Year 10 English students were recently given two lessons to write a 500-word story or description, inspired by either ‘Thirteen’ or ‘A century later’, two poems from the AQA GCSE……
The Queenswood Archive: Official Opening
We are enormously grateful to the Old Queenswoodians’ Association for generously funding the establishment of our Archive Room, which was officially opened by incoming and outgoing OQA Chairs Kate Belshaw……
Cecchetti Ballet Scholarship Scheme: Success for Year 9 Student Tana S-B
We send our warmest congratulations to Tana S-B, 9S (pictured in the middle), who has just received the very exciting news that she has been awarded a place on the……
Year 10 Artists in Chapel
ARTISTS IN CHAPEL During the Summer Term, students from Year 10 drew in the Chapel; in timed conditions – between 10-20 minutes – some students drew in response to an……