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  • Black History Month: African Dance

    On Friday 18 October, History students in Years 8 and 9 enjoyed an informative – and exhausting – workshop of African Dance. Many aspects of African culture, tradition and heritage……

    POSTED : Monday 4 November 2013
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  • Debating Matters – Regional Winners

    Queenswoodsenior debaters entered the national ‘Debating Matters’ competition, run by the Institute of Ideas, in October 2013. The competition involved four debaters, split into two teams and given a side……

    POSTED : Friday 25 October 2013
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  • Should you put your daughter on the stage?

    Seven aspiring OQ Drama Queens fill us in ontreading the boards beyond Queenswood. After Queenswood, I gained a scholarship to a drama school in New York, the American Academy of……

    POSTED : Thursday 24 October 2013
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  • LVI Business Students visit EntrepreneurLIVE

    On Tuesday 15 October, Sixth Form Business Students, Miss Hunter and Mr Bennett attended EntrepreneurLIVE in London where several young entrepreneurs, such as Jacob Hill, the founder of Lazy Camper,……

    POSTED : Thursday 17 October 2013
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  • Macbeth : Bloody, Bold and Resolute

    The Drama Scholars and Principal’s Award Holders, under the direction of Dramatist/Musician-in-Residence Tim Shaw, staged a mesmerisingly intense and hauntingly intimate production of Macbeth in the Helen McCrory Studio Theatre……

    POSTED : Wednesday 16 October 2013
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