Category: Principal’s Blog
January 2018: Gender Equality – ‘Raise your voice’
Over Christmas I was able to spend some time reflecting on the vast array of events and opportunities that the girls staff and parents are involved in at Queenswood. One……
October 2017: New buildings, new opportunities
What a busy start to the year it has been! Queenswood House ‘Capture the Flag’ competition I am delighted at how well our new girls have settled in to the……
Summer Term: Week 8 – Exciting New Developments
Some very exciting changes to the fabric of the school will be taking place over the summer. The imminent Queenswood Hall project has provided the perfect opportunity for us to……
Summer Term: Week 3 – The Benefits of a Boarding School Ethos
Recently, I have turned my attention to the strengths and benefits of the boarding environment and all that it has to offer our pupils – day girls and boarders alike…….
Spring 2017: Week 11 – End of term
As we come to the end of another immensely busy and highly successful term, I find myself reflecting with astonishment at all that the girls have achieved. I hope you……