Category: Principal’s Blog
Spring 2017: Week 10 – Careers and Futures
I find it hard to believe that the Easter holidays are almost upon us. The girls have been so busy during this short term – I am always astounded at……
Spring 2017 Week 8: Gender Equality
It’s lovely to be back after a refreshing week’s holiday. In the middle of this hectic term, it was really special to be able to spend some time with my……
Spring 2017 Week 2–3: Challenges and Opportunities
The spring term has started with a real buzz for all of us at Q. Years 11, 12 and 13 have settled into the demands of their mock examinations and……
Week 11 – What a term!
As this festive season begins and our autumn term draws to a close, I reflect on the wonderful experiences we have shared and the achievements of all. I am not……
Week 10 – Christmas is Coming
As the festive season accelerates towards us, Queenswood is looking more and more beautiful in these crisp, frosty mornings. The Prefect team are now extremely pleased to have the……