Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

  • Week 10 – Christmas is Coming

      As the festive season accelerates towards us, Queenswood is looking more and more beautiful in these crisp, frosty mornings. The Prefect team are now extremely pleased to have the……

    POSTED : Wednesday 30 November 2016
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  • Week 7 – Autumn at Queenswood

    Autumn has most definitely arrived and Q is looking stunning draped in seasonal crimson and gold.  It is such a pleasure to look out at the stunning views across a……

    POSTED : Thursday 3 November 2016
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  • Week 6 – Half-term already!

    As I reflect on my first half term at Q I am astounded by the number and variety of trips, events, opportunities and achievements that the girls have experienced. It……

    POSTED : Thursday 13 October 2016
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  • Week 4 – Leadership

    As September draws to an end I amreminded by my youngest son that there are ‘only 87 sleeps until Christmas!’ My first month as Principal has flown by, and I……

    POSTED : Friday 30 September 2016
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  • Week 3 – Settling In

    As I come to the end of my third week as Principal, I am filled with a huge sense of excitement for the future of Queenswood.   Over the last three……

    POSTED : Thursday 22 September 2016
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