Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

  • Enrichment Week – Did All That Really Just Happen?!

    It has been an extraordinarily busy week for Queenswood students and staff, with timetables suspended for a programme of enrichment activities both in and out of school. Year 7 enjoyed……

    POSTED : Friday 21 June 2024
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  • US Universities Talk: Presentation Materials from A List

    We were delighted to welcome Mr Owen Walding from A List, a US university admissions and support consultancy, to Queenswood this week. Owen addressed parents and students from Years 10,……

    POSTED : Friday 24 May 2024
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  • Celebrating the Class of ’24

    As their time at Queenswood draws to a close, Year 13 have been enjoying a week of gloriously sunny events.. They spent the afternoon of Tuesday 7 May at West……

    POSTED : Friday 10 May 2024
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  • Introducing the 2024-25 Head Girl’s Team and Senior Prefects

    The Year 13 Senior Prefect team handed over their gowns, titles and responsibilities to their Year 12 counterparts in a very special Chapel service on Wednesday 1 May. Senior Prefects……

    POSTED : Friday 3 May 2024
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  • GCSEPod: Information for Students and Parents

    Mr Lovell, Assistant Head – Digital Strategy, would like to draw parents’ attention to GCSEPod, a digital platform accessible to all Queenswood students in Years 10 and 11.On the platform,……

    POSTED : Friday 3 May 2024
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