Category: Sixth Form News
Year 9 Maths: Finding Solutions to the Frog Swap Puzzle
Year 9 Mathematicians have been investigating solutions to this frog-swapping puzzle.If you would like to try solving it yourself, you can visit this website. Meanwhile, here are some of our pupils’……
Queenswood Career Clips – A Request for Parent & OQ Volunteers!
Due to the pandemic, unfortunately we have been unable to invite parents and OQs into school this year to participate in our usual Careers Convention, so we are trying something……
Year 12 Students Submit Essays for Major University Competitions
Two of our Year 12 Academic Scholars have recently submitted essays to prestigious university competitions.Meyiwa W has entered the University of Sheffield History Essay Competition with a thought-provoking analysis of……
The Sixth Form: Reimagined – A Detailed Look at the Plans
We are delighted with the response so far to our fundraising campaign for the reimagined Sixth Form Centre.In this short video, Mr Tim Garnham (Chair of Facilities Committee) and Mr……
Sixth Form Centre Redevelopment: Consultation with Years 10–13
On Friday 19 March, representatives from architecture firm Grimshaw spoke to all pupils in Years 10 to 13 about the project to redevelop the Bellman Sixth Form Centre.The students have……