Category: Sixth Form News
Introducing the 2024-25 Head Girl’s Team and Senior Prefects
The Year 13 Senior Prefect team handed over their gowns, titles and responsibilities to their Year 12 counterparts in a very special Chapel service on Wednesday 1 May. Senior Prefects……
GCSEPod: Information for Students and Parents
Mr Lovell, Assistant Head – Digital Strategy, would like to draw parents’ attention to GCSEPod, a digital platform accessible to all Queenswood students in Years 10 and 11.On the platform,……
Introducing Ms King, Queenswood's New Head of Careers and Futures
We are delighted to introduce Ms Lucie King, our new Head of Careers and Futures at Queenswood. Lucie previously worked as Careers and Enrichment Coordinator at an academy school in……
Personal Statement Workshop : Year 12 Begin Their UCAS Application Journey
On Thursday 21 March, Year 12 came together in the Bellman Sixth Form Centre for an informative workshop about crafting their personal statements. Leading the session, Mr Fox, Head of……
OQs Toluwa and Jemima: the Low-Down on Law
Jemima Wolstencroft (OQ 2015 and Deputy Head Girl) and Toluwa Agboola (OQ 2016 and Head Girl) returned to Queenswood this week to share their journeys into Corporate Law and how……