Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

  • Year 13 Leavers’ Events: A Fond Farewell

    It’s been a bittersweet few days of celebrations and goodbyes for the class of 2023. On Thursday Year 13 enjoyed an elegant afternoon tea at West Lodge Park Hotel in……

    POSTED : Friday 12 May 2023
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  • Highly Commended Award for Queenswood’s Sixth Form Offering

    We’re very proud to announce that Queenswood’s one-of-a-kind Sixth Form offering has been awarded Highly Commended in the Muddy Stilettos Best Schools Awards 2023.The judges were impressed by the ambitious……

    POSTED : Friday 12 May 2023
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  • Head Girl’s Team and Senior Prefects: Passing the Baton

    Senior Prefects 2022-23The Year 13 Senior Prefect team handed over their gowns, titles and responsibilities to their Year 12 counterparts in a very special Chapel service on Wednesday 10 May.Senior……

    POSTED : Friday 12 May 2023
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  • Year 12 Attend the UCAS Discovery Tour in Brighton

    On Tuesday this week, the Lower Sixth year group went to the Brighton Conference Centre to attend the annual UCAS Discovery tour. After a grey and cloudy start, the year……

    POSTED : Friday 17 March 2023
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  • Queenswood Staff and Pupils Visit Noah’s Ark

    MISS CHLOE BASSETT, HEAD OF YEAR 8 On Friday 10 March, Charity Prefect Ella T, Sixth Former Grace P, Reverend Vindra and Miss Bassett visited the Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice……

    POSTED : Wednesday 15 March 2023
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