Category: Sports News
A-Level Taster Lessons
To mark the end of their GCSE mock exams, Year 11 experienced two days of A-Level taster lessons on 18 and 19 January. As well as grappling with new concepts……
Queenswood’s Horse Riding Club: Fun Takes the Reins!
Horse riding club on a Wednesday evening is one of our most popular co-curricular activities and we are delighted to share some photographs of the students enjoying their very own……
A Third National Title for Queenswood’s U15 Tennis Aces
We are thrilled to announce that the U15 tennis team successfully defended their national title at the Bolton Arena on 1–3 December.This is the third national title in twelve months……
Junior Hockey Tour to Barcelona 2023
We’re pleased to be able to bring you the day-by-day account of the highly successful Junior Hockey tour to Barcelona that took place during October half-term. Day 1: A busy……