Category: Sports News
Stormont Prep Schools Cross-Country Competition at Queenswood
On Friday 17 March Queenswood were delighted to play host to the eighth annual Stormont Prep Schools Cross Country competition. Over 150 runners took part in the race around……
Stormont Prep Schools Cross-Country Competition at Queenswood
On Friday 17 March Queenswood were delighted to play host to the eighth annual Stormont Prep Schools Cross Country competition. Over 150 runners took part in the race around……
Gold Medalist Hannah Macleod Gives Hockey Masterclass
On Saturday 18 March, we were delighted to be joined by Hannah Macleod, Olympic Hockey Gold Medalist. Hannah was a member of the GB squad who won Gold at……
1st XI win Queenswood’s third County Cup in a week!
Thursday 16 March saw Queenswood’s 1st and 2nd XI play their last Hockey of the season – and for our Upper Sixth, the final games of their Queenswood Hockey careers……
U14 Hockey – County Champions 2017
Wednesday 15 March was the second night of County Cup Finals week, and another Queenswood team were crowned Champions. The U14s met local rivals Dame Alice Owens in their……