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  • Queenswood Sports Scholar Maddy – Ace Tumbler!

    We would like to congratulate Maddy Dean (Year 8 Sports Scholar) on her recent tumbling successes. She competed at the Hertfordshire CountyChampionships on Sunday 20 November, achieving silver in tumbling……

    POSTED : Monday 21 November 2016
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  • Queenswood Badminton – a weekend of success

    Queenswood’s Badminton players enjoyed great success in a range of competitions on the weekend of 12-13 November.  On Saturday 12, at the Royal Masonic School Invitation Doubles, our U16 pairing……

    POSTED : Wednesday 16 November 2016
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  • Junior Hockey Tour to Barcelona

    During the first week of the October half term 50Queenswood pupils and staff were lucky enough to take part in the annual Hockey tour to Barcelona. The trip is always……

    POSTED : Tuesday 8 November 2016
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  • Girls’ Football Week – Arsenal Ladies and England Superstar Leah Williamson Visits Queenswood

    The FA celebrated Girls’ Football Week (GFW) from the 10–16October 2016. Here at Queenswood, the PE department wanted to support their campaign by running an after school tournament for all……

    POSTED : Monday 31 October 2016
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  • Gymnast Jasmine’s impressive new floor routine

    During the summer Jasmine Steyne (Queenswood Gymnastics Captain and Sports Scholar) continued to train hard and compete. At the London Regional Championships she came an impressive 2nd place overall and……

    POSTED : Monday 26 September 2016
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