Category: Wellbeing
Weekend Fun: Celebrate your special person this Mother's Day
It’s Mothering Sunday this weekend, so why not delight your mum, guardian or the someone special who cares for you, with a heartfelt gift to show your appreciation. Be it……
This Week I Am Reading… DallerGut Dream Department Store by Miye Lee
DallerGut Dream Department Store by Miye Lee In a mysterious town hidden in our collective subconscious there’s a department store that sells dreams. Day and night, visitors both human and……
International Women's Day: An Invitation from the Newsletter Club to Cake and Doodles!
Ahead of International Women’s Day on 8 March, the Newsletter Club would like to invite all students and staff to their ‘Cake and Doodles’ drop-in next Tuesday lunchtime, 5 March…….
This Week I Am Reading… Wilding: How to Bring Wildlife Back by Isabella Tree
Wilding: How to Bring Wildlife Back – The New Illustrated Guide by Isabella Tree With Mother’s Day fast approaching, this stunningly beautiful book will make the perfect gift. Written by……
Weekend Fun: Visit the Cute Exhibition at Somerset House
This weekend, why not head into London and visit the Cute Exhibition at Somerset House. From emojis to internet memes, video games to plushie toys, food to loveable robotic design,……