Category: Wellbeing
This Week I Am Reading… The Eternal Ones by Namina Forna
The Eternal Ones by Namina Forna The unmissable finale to New York Times bestselling YA fantasy series The Gilded Ones, set in an ancient West African-inspired world and perfect for……
Half-Term Fun: We're Going to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo!
We’re going to the zoo, zoo, zoo – do you want to come too? After a busy half-term, we are all ready for some holiday relaxation, so why not plan……
Medical Society: Diabetes Talk
CHRIS YOUNG, CHEMISTRY TECHNICIANOn Wednesday 31 January, Medical Society welcomed two guest speakers rom the Hertfordshire Community NHS trust. Claire Mearing and Lindsey Ochiltree have been have both been running……
Flipping Good Weekend Fun: Practise your Pancakes!
It’s Shrove Tuesday next week and an opportunity to practise your pancake flipping skills! The Newsletter Team have shared have shared their favourite pancake recipe below, so this weekend why……
This Week I Am Reading… Not the End of the World by Hannah Ritchie
Not the End of the World: How We Can Be the First Generation to Build a Sustainable Planetby Hannah Ritchie We are bombarded by doomsday headlines that tell us the……