Category: Wellbeing
Weekend Fun: Wildlife Photographer of the Year Exhibition
This weekend, why not head to the Natural History Museum in London to visit the spectacular Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition. Entry to the museum is free and tickets……
This Week I Am Reading… Spice Road by Maiya Ibrahim
Spice Road by Maiya Ibrahim In the hidden desert city of Qalia, secret spice magic awakens the affinities of those who drink the misra tea. With her affinity for iron,……
Weekend Fun: Swing into Action and Play Crazy Golf!
If you like the idea of playing crazy golf this weekend, there are some hugely fun and innovative courses to visit in London or closer to home. With themes ranging……
This Week I Am Reading… How to Say No to Your Phone by Brad Marshall and Lindsay Hassock
How to Say No to Your Phone by Brad Marshall and Lindsay Hassock An empowering and practical guide to help children unplug from their phones, from esteemed psychologists Brad Marshall……
Year 8 PSHCEE: Queenswood Ethos and Qualities
In their PSHCEE lessons, Year 8 pupils have been creating posters and videos to illustrate our ethos values of kindness, honesty, accountability and integrity, and our Queenswood Qualities: resourcefulness and……