Category: Wellbeing
Weekend Fun: Our Netflix Suggestions for Christmas Movie Night!
If you’re feeling festive now that we’re in December, why not enjoy a Christmas movie night this weekend. Netflix have some great films scheduled for this month – timeless classics……
Weekend Fun: Tate Britain’s Women in Revolt Exhibition
The first of its kind, this exhibition is a wide-ranging exploration of feminist art by over 100 women artists working in the UK. It shines a spotlight on how networks……
Weekend Fun: Visit the Taylor Wessing Photo Portrait Prize Exhibition
The Taylor Wessing Photo Portrait Prize exhibition showcases exceptional photographic portraiture. Renowned for its diverse perspectives and emotional depth, the exhibit features striking contemporary portraits from global talents. Celebrating human……
Weekend Activity: Make Your Own Remembrance Day Poppy
Remembrance Sunday is an opportunity to reflect, remember, and show gratitude for the sacrifices made by our Armed Forces and their families. Every year during the run up to this……
Go Red for Dyslexia: Queenswood celebrates Dyslexia Awareness Week
This week at Queenswood we have been celebrating Dyslexia Awareness Week and this year’s theme, ‘Uniquely You’. Dyslexia is a neurological difference and can have a significant impact during education,……