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Eco Warriors Club: Bake Sale for Save the Bees!

Friday 26 January 2024

The Eco-Warriors Club held a bake-sale this week in aid of Save the Bees and raised £75 by selling various delicious cakes along with bee-themed pins and badges. Not only did the bake sale raise much-needed funds but it also raised awareness about this important cause.

According to Friends of the Earth, bees are in trouble, with around 13 of the UK’s bee species now extinct and 35 others under threat of extinction. Unfortunately, our countryside isn't currently up to the task of helping them. Some areas have become more like industrial units, with huge fields of single crops replacing the hedgerows and the variety of plants bees need to thrive.

This is why bees need our help, now more than ever. To find out more about how you can help the bees in your garden or at school, click here. Well done Eco-Warriors!