Embracing Challenges with the Duke of Edinburgh Award
Friday 7 March 2025
We currently have over 100 girls taking part in a variety of activities for their Duke of Edinburgh’s (DofE) Award sections. As part of the award, they must complete between three and six months of activities that help them develop new skills, stay physically active, and contribute to the community.
For their volunteering section, the girls are assisting at food banks, park runs, and soup kitchens, walking dogs, gardening, supporting church groups and animal shelters, tutoring younger children, and visiting the elderly.
For the physical section, they are involved in activities such as martial arts, dance, athletics, racket sports, and horse riding.
For the skills section, participants are learning languages, cooking, drama, music, singing, and public speaking.
Altogether, this year’s cohort will have dedicated over 7,200 hours to personal development, supporting the community, and having fun. They will complete their award with an expedition at the end of the year. With so many girls taking part, we now have a total of eight expeditions planned.