Platinum Jubilee Pudding Competition: The Final Round
Friday 11 March 2022
Thank you to everyone who entered the Platinum Jubilee Pudding Competition over half term. Mrs Lee, Practical Cookery Teacher, was hugely impressed with your pudding recipes and it was very difficult for her to choose who would go through to the final round of the competition. After careful consideration, it was decided that the winning puddings of this first stage of the competition were as follows:
Alexa D 8W – Union Jack Shortcakes
Sahi K 7H – Five Layer Mixed Berry Trifle
Joint Entry: Estella B, Valentina T, Beatrice A 7N – Trio of Desserts
These five pupils have now been invited by Mrs Lee to make their puddings at school next term, after which, one overall winning pudding will be chosen by Mrs Lee, Mr Kennedy - Head Chef and Peace A - Head Girl, as our official Jubilee dessert. This will then be served to the pupils as part of the School's Jubilee celebrations.