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ISTD Cecchetti Ballet: Intermediate Exam Success for Isabelle C (Y13)

Friday 21 April 2023

We are thrilled to share the news that Isabelle C (Year 13) was awarded a Merit in her ISTD Intermediate Cecchetti ballet examination at the end of last term. This is a vocational level examination and Isabelle's superb achievement allows her to progress even further and to access teaching qualifications.

The examination was not for the faint hearted; Isabelle performed for 1.5 hours without a break in front of a senior examiner, demonstrating 18 barre, 6 centre practice, 4 adage, 7 pirouette, 11 allegro and 10 pointe work exercises, plus a variation!

We send our warmest congratulations to both Isabelle and Miss Christian, teacher of Ballet, on this outstanding accomplishment.