Learning in Years 7 and 8
From day one, Queenswood girls learn to be independent, resourceful students, motivated by curiosity and an enthusiasm for learning.
Each year group in the Lower School is divided into forms; there are usually three or four in Years 7 and 8, although Mathematics, English and Languages are usually taught in sets. A common curriculum is followed in the first two years, comprising Art, Computing, Design & Technology, Drama & Dance, English, Geography, History, Latin and Classical Civilisation, Mathematics, Music, Physical Education, Practical Cookery, Religious Studies, Science and Spanish. A choice of French or Mandarin is offered as a second language.
Our aim is to provide a broad and balanced programme of study throughout the Lower School leading to GCSE/IGCSE choices. Most subjects set a certain amount of homework or 'study' each week; pupils have the opportunity to complete this work at home or in supervised study sessions after school.