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Q Former and Current Staff Reunion

Wednesday 8 August 2018

Former staff member Cheryl Boughton co-ordinated a former and current staff get together in, London on the 8th August at Côte in St Martin’s Lane.  Cheryl flew in from the States and had carefully engineered the event to coincide with her visit to the UK.  It was a great get together, with some attendees not having met for over 13 years!  Great news - a get together is planned for 2019, with Harvey Ross stepping in to organise the event.

Attendees (in no particular order): Val Castle, Harvey Ross, Therese Davidson, Janet Smith, Sharon Hardie, Alain Barthelemy, Ann Evison, Denise Copeman, Kate Tudor, Margaret Gourd, Malcolm and Gloria Lock, Jonathan Hills, Cheryl and David Boughton, Nadia Rahman (Kahn), Pauline Clark, Tanya Russell, Eileen Janacek, Liz Needham, Christos Kokkinos and family.