Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

Queenswood – A School For Life

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Recently I have been in California to joinOld Queenswoodians (OQs) at a reunion lunch. One young old girl flew from
Washington DC, where she is on an internship, just to be with us. With many
year groups represented at this small lunch party, memories were exchanged and
conversation flowed freely.

It is a great thought that all over the world there
are groups of old girls who have this one connection with one another. Overseas
old girls also offer support to young OQs travelling the world.  

Career Networking Opportunities for Girls

Closer to home we recently held our annual
networking event in the City at the Accenture Offices in Fenchurch Street.
Sixth Formers met with twenty- and thirty-somethings to chat about universities
and careers. I was particularly struck by the generosity of the OQs who
enthusiastically offered advice on a huge range of careers.

I was keen to find
out how they had found the competitive environment of the job market after
university. A couple of OQs spoke about the lengthy and challenging process of
applications and the tests on line, which preceded the interview (should they
be lucky enough to get one).

A Queenswood education provides the competitive edge

They spoke of the advantages they felt OQs have
when it comes to the interview process, which often consisted of observed group
work to assess their teamwork and their leadership potential. Girls at
Queenswood have so many opportunities to practise leadership, to speak in
public, to work in teams.

One OQ though identified a defining characteristic
which gave them the edge. Not only are OQs able to be assertive in a group and
to make sure their voice is heard, they are also able to listen to others and
to be responsive.  

I say that Queenswood is a school for life
and it is in two ways. In the first place it is with the girls for all their
lives. They have a ready-made and expanding network of friends and mentors
wherever in the world they may find themselves. Secondly, the lessons learnt at
Queenswood will stand the girls in good stead for the real world.

I have
mentioned above the world of work but it runs much deeper than that and
includes developing an inner confidence and sensitivity to others – qualities
to help them whatever challenges they may encounter.