Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

  • Pi Day – Puzzles to Celebrate March 14

    MRS GEORGINA BROWN AND MRS AMY CHAPMAN, MATHS DEPARTMENTFor mathematicians across the world, last Tuesday – March 14 or, as it’s written in the US dating system, 3.14 – was……

    POSTED : Thursday 16 March 2023
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  • Queenswood Staff and Pupils Visit Noah’s Ark

    MISS CHLOE BASSETT, HEAD OF YEAR 8 On Friday 10 March, Charity Prefect Ella T, Sixth Former Grace P, Reverend Vindra and Miss Bassett visited the Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice……

    POSTED : Wednesday 15 March 2023
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  • Weekend Fun: Dopplle Swap Shop

    Izzie and Sam are sisters and the Co-Founders of Dopplle – a platform to share clothes efficiently and sustainably. Looking to reduce textile waste by encouraging students to swap clothes,……

    POSTED : Wednesday 15 March 2023
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  • This Week I Am Reading… Stand Up by Nikesh Shukla

    Stand Up by Nikesh Shukla Madhu is 17 and has the weight of the world on her shoulders: her dad is putting pressure on her to apply to university, she……

    POSTED : Tuesday 14 March 2023
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  • Eco-Committee Announces New Inititiatives

    IZZIE E (YEAR 13), GREEN Q PREFECTHi everyone! The Eco Committee here, to give you all an update on our plans.Thank you so much for everyone’s involvement in the recent……

    POSTED : Sunday 12 March 2023
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