More News of University Offers for Year 13
Recently we brought you news of some of the exciting offers of places at universities and other higher education institutions received by Year 13 students.We’re now receiving news of offers……
Flipping Good Fun: Boarders Celebrate Shrove Tuesday
At lunchtime on Tuesday, our students enjoyed mini pancakes with cream and syrup in the Dining Room to celebrate Shrove Tuesday and our Practical Cookery students made pancakes all week……
Pastoral talks for Parents: The Self-Esteem Team
On Monday 20 February, we welcomed Alex from The Self-Esteem Team for the first in a series of talks for parents and staff on pastoral themes. As a teacher and……
Queenswood Ensembles Warm Up for the South East Schools Chamber Music Competition
In preparation for their participation in the prestigious South East Schools Chamber Music Competition, Queenswood’s string ensembles performed extracts from their programmes in Chapel this week. We’re delighted to share……
Chapel Highlights: Immortal, Invisible, God only Wise
On Monday in Chapel we sang the hymn, Praise My Soul, the King of Heaven and Mrs Cameron spoke about the importance of creativity. Creativity helps us to solve problems……