Queenswood Quisine: Serving Up Skills For Life
The Practical Cookery suite was filled with mouth-watering aromas this week as our first hands-on Queenswood Quisine sessions took place. QQ is our brand-new Sixth Form cookery course, devised and……
Anti-Bullying Week: Messages from our School Mentors
In Chapel on Monday 4 November, members of the School Mentors team spoke about their plans for the forthcoming Anti-Bullying Week. ADRIENNE S (YEAR 11): Next week (11–15 November) is……
Year 7 Art: ‘Taking a Line for a Walk…’
Year 7 artists had fun drawing from observation this week, using just one continuous line. Their challenge was to draw without taking their pencils and pens off the paper. They……
Join Us For Our Service of Remembrance
We would like to invite all families to join us for our Service of Remembrance on Sunday 10 November. From its very foundation, Queenswood has been mindful of the debt……
Something Spooky’s Happening at Queenswood…
Halloween has come early to Queenswood, and all this week there have been spooky events and activities to mark the occasion. In GCSE Photography club, students were inspired by the……