Chapel Highlights: Remembering Rev’d Dr Martin Luther King
This week in chapel we celebrated and gave thanks for the life and work of the Rev’d Dr Martin Luther King Jr. On the third Monday of January each year,……
Boarders Get Their Skates On at Planet Ice!
Boarders enjoyed strutting their stuff on the ice rink at Planet Ice in Hemel Hempstead on Saturday 14 January. Some were experienced and confident skaters, while others took a little……
Calling all MFL students! A landmark exhibition of Spanish and Hispanic Art
21 January – 10 April 2023 Tues–Sun, 10am–6pm | Fri 10am – 9pm at Main Galleries, Burlington House, Royal Academy of Arts left: Diego Velázquez, Portrait of a Girl, c. 1638-42right:……
My Dad’s Transatlantic Sailing Adventure by Emily 8W
My dad Jon recently took part in the 2022 ARC race (Atlantic Rally for Cruisers) where around 150 sailing boats took part in a race to cross the Atlantic from……
This Week I Am Reading… Small Things Like These by Claire Keegan
Small Things Like These by Claire Keegan It is 1985, in an Irish town. During the weeks leading up to Christmas, Bill Furlong, a coal and timber merchant, faces into……