Hartley House Christmas Bake Sale for Noah’s Ark
Hartley House held their Christmas Charity Bake Sale on Thursday in aid of Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice, and their delicious treats were enthusiastically received by students at break time. Hartley’s……
Oxford University Bebras Challenge for Queenswood’s Computer Scientists
Year 9 L to R: Christabella J, Adelaide W, Sophie F, Izzy N, Sydney OYear 10, L to R: Charlotte A, Megan S, Maha KYear 11, L to R: Bethany……
Chapel Highlights: Advent
On Monday in Chapel, students and staff were greeted by the lit Christmas tree, a nativity scene and the Advent wreath with 5 candles. Rev’d Vindra spoke about Advent being……
Weekend Fun: Our Netflix Suggestions for Christmas Movie Night!
If you fancy a cosy night in this weekend, you might like to watch a Christmas movie. Netflix have some great films scheduled for December – timeless classics and some……
This Week I Am Reading… This is what it sounds like by Dr Susan Rogers
This Is What It Sounds Like: What the Music You Love Says About You by Dr Susan RogersThis Is What It Sounds Like is a journey into the science and……