Diane Maclean OQ – Inspirations for Installations
Art Scholars were visited by OQ and internationally renowned sculptor and environmental artist Diane Maclean on Thursday 29 September. Diane gave a talk about her work and career, and offered……
Science Department Refurbishment: Take a Sneak Peek at Architects’ Drawings
Click the image above to explore As you may have seen at this week’s Into the Sixth Form event, the Science department are thrilled to have received first drafts of……
Mrs Truran’s Homage to Celebrated Black Authors
October is Black History Month, a recognition of Black heritage, culture and achievements. As part of the School’s BHM celebrations, Mrs Truran – Head Librarian at Queenswood, spoke to the……
Into the Sixth Form – Showcasing Queenswood’s Unique Post-16 Offer
Year 10 and 11 pupils and their families got a real taste of what Queenswood’s Sixth Form has to offer at our open event on Tuesday 4 October. They heard……