Year 7 House Dance Competition
Year 7 pupils got their first taste of public performance at Queenswood on Friday, as they competed for the title of Inter-House Dance Champions. Each of the four competitive Houses……
European Day of Languages at Queenswood
The MFL department celebrated European Day of Languages on Tuesday 27 September with a range of fun activities for pupils and staff. Tutor groups competed to identify as many world……
A-Level Drama and Media Students at the Edinburgh Fringe
Year 13 Drama and Media students spent four exhilarating days at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in August – the world’s largest celebration of the performing arts. They experienced a fantastic……
A Rare Glimpse of Queenswood in the Past: Cine footage from circa 1945
We were delighted to receive a most fascinating piece of cine film footage from the family of an Old Queenswoodian recently. Miss Adrienne Brownhill was born on 11 July 1933……
Queenswood’s Eco Warriors Bid to Win Green Flag Award
In Chapel on Wednesday, Izzie E (Year 13, Green Q Prefect) and members of the Eco Club told us about how the Queenswood community can help in their bid to……