Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

  • Who Let the Dogs Out? Zennor's Birthday Pawty

    On Monday 29 April, Stamp House boarders celebrated a very special occasion for Treat Night – Zennor’s 7th Birthday! Zennor is Mrs Ludwick’s friendly flat-coated retriever who lives in Stamp,……

    POSTED : Friday 3 May 2024
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  • Year 7 Celebrate La Fête du Muguet

    VIOLAINE LUDWICK, TEACHER OF FRENCHIn French lessons this week, Year 7 learned about La Fête du Muguet, which is celebrated in France on 1st May. They made cards to give……

    POSTED : Friday 3 May 2024
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  • This Week in Chapel: Autism Acceptance Month and Prefect Handover

    AUTISM ACCEPTANCE MONTHOn Monday, Echo A (13W) organised a Home Clothes Day and invited students to wear something red in support of Autism Acceptance Month. In addition, Echo gave a……

    POSTED : Friday 3 May 2024
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  • GCSEPod: Information for Students and Parents

    Mr Lovell, Assistant Head – Digital Strategy, would like to draw parents’ attention to GCSEPod, a digital platform accessible to all Queenswood students in Years 10 and 11.On the platform,……

    POSTED : Friday 3 May 2024
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  • Amazon GetIt Competition: Designing Apps for the Community

    ALEX LAMING, HEAD OF COMPUTING On Wednesday 20 March the Grand Final of the Amazon GetIT competition was held for Queenswood students. The winning team: Izzy, Arianne and Niyah, pictured……

    POSTED : Friday 3 May 2024
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