This Week I Am Reading… Black and British by David Olusoga
Black and British: A short, essential history by David Olusoga A short, essential introduction to Black British history for readers of 12+ by award-winning historian and broadcaster David Olusoga.When did……
Cross Country: Inter Team Wins Through to Regional Finals
We would like to congratulate all our teams who competed in the first round of the National Cross Country Cup, hosted here at Queenswood on Tuesday 1 October.Despite the extremely……
Weekend Fun: Arsenal Women at the Emirates!
We love football at Q and under the leadership of Mr Ward, the students’ skills in lessons, and this term’s lunchtime and after-school clubs, continue to go from strength to……
Competition Time: Black History Month
October is Black History Month. This year the theme is #ReclaimingNarratives, and you can read more about the significance of this month and the theme here.To mark this month and……
Year 11 Geography: Field Trip to Norfolk
YEAR 11 GEOGRAPHY STUDENTSOur recent Geography field trip to Norwich and Sheringham proved to be a truly enriching experience. The trip offered a unique opportunity to explore the fascinating relationships……