Weekend Fun: No Money? Free Monet!
After the festive splurges of the Christmas period, January is renowned for being the month when we all tighten our belts and try to spend more carefully.Financial discipline is an……
Queenswood Lunch and Supper Menus for the Spring Term
Did you know that you can take a tour of our beautiful Dining Room and cafeteria-style Servery? Just click on the 3D image below to have a look around.Lunch and……
The Boy in the Photograph: Anti-Bullying Talk with Robert Higgs
Year 7 and 8 enjoyed a thought-provoking and inspiring talk by Rob Higgs, actor, author and anti-bullying speaker on Thursday 13 January.Rob’s presentation began with a powerful performance of a……
A-Level Investigation Evening for Year 11 Pupils
Mr Fox, Head of Sixth Form, sent the following message to all Year 11 parents this week. Don’t miss this important event for you and your daughter on Wednesday 26……
Christmas Hampers: Thank You from Howe Dell School
Reverend Vindra received a lovely handmade card from the children of Howe Dell School and Day Care in Hatfield, thanking us for the hampers of gifts donated by members of……