Weekend Fun: Our Netflix Suggestions for Christmas Movie Night!
If you fancy a cosy night in this weekend, you might like to watch a Christmas movie. Netflix have some great films scheduled for December – timeless classics and some……
Latest News from QueenswoodSport Instagram
We bring you our regular round-up of recent posts from the QueenswoodSport Instagram account.NOVEMBER 25U16 Badminton squad cleaned up this week in the District Tournament- A team winning Gold, B……
Academic Scholars’ Antarctic Experiments
As a follow-up to the visit by former Queenswood Biology teacher Ian Richardson last month, Academic Scholars were tasked with designing a hypothetical experiment that could be conducted by a……
This Week I Am Reading… Christmas! by Stella Ross Collins OQ
The centrepiece of Mrs Truran’s display of festive books in the Library is Christmas! Traditions, Celebrations and Food across Europe, by Old Queenswoodian Stella Ross Collins (1913-2018).This beautifully illustrated book……
Congratulations to OQ Alice Atay On Her Confirmation
We were thrilled to hear the news from Alice Atay OQ about her recent baptism and confirmation, which she kindly shares with you all below. It was especially touching to……