Q’s Computer Scientists Tackle Oxford University Bebras Challenge
This week, Queenswood entered the prestigious Bebras Computing Challenge, which involved students tackling a set of in-class computing tasks involving computational and logical thinking.Bebras is a well-established competition that is……
Q’s Newsletter Reporters Tell Us About Their Favourite Clubs
This week, some of our students reported on the co-curricular clubs that they enjoy taking part in. You will find their contributions and a short photograph montage below.A particularly popular……
This Week I Am Reading… Lisa Christian, Ballet Teacher
Miss Christian is the ballet teacher at Queenswood and has enjoyed teaching and entering girls for ISTD Cecchetti ballet examinations for many years. She is also a Vocational Level ISTD……
Weekend Fun: Bonfire Night Baking!
If you are celebrating Bonfire Night or Diwali this weekend, why not make your celebrations go with a bang by serving up our delicious baking suggestions.Firework apples, pretzel sparklers and……
U13 Tennis Team Qualify for National Indoor Finals
We are thrilled to announce that our U13 Tennis Team has qualified for the National Indoor Finals in Bolton Arena after becoming regional champions. They beat New Hall in the……