Enrichment Week: Part Two
Here is part two of our round-up of Enrichment Week 2021.You can scroll through this page to browse all activities, or click on the links below to jump to specific……
Camp Beaumont: Summer Activities at Queenswood
Summer day camps your child will love are being hosted by Camp Beaumont this summer at Queenswood School.After a challenging year for lots of young people, Camp Beaumont will be……
Olympic Dreams Come True: Three OQs Selected for Tokyo 2020
This week, Queenswood Sport is celebrating a genuinely historic milestone, with confirmation that three former pupils have been selected to represent Team GB at the Tokyo Olympics.Hannah Williams: British 200m……
Read Now, Run Later: Miss Bassett’s Marathon Challenge
Having already coordinated a mammoth fundraising effort this year with Year 7, raising almost £2,000 for Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice, Miss Bassett is now taking on another challenge!She may have……
One Swallow Does Make a Q Summer…
Following on from her previous articles, Miss Langdon, Visa Co-ordinator at Queenswood, tells us about her favourite summer visitor to Q – the Swallow. We hope that you enjoy her……