This Week I Am Reading… Why Animals Talk by Arik Kershenbaum
Why Animals Talk: The New Science of Animal Communication by Arik Kershenbaum Why Animals Talk is a scientific journey through the untamed world of animal communication. From the majestic howls……
The High Sheriff of Hertfordshire Visits Queenswood
We were honoured to welcome The High Sheriff of Hertfordshire, Annie Brewster JP, to Queenswood on Tuesday 17 September. The High Sheriff is promoting the importance of sport in schools,……
A-Level Drama: DIY Puppetry Workshop
In class, Year 12 Drama students have been exploring the work of Theatre de Complicité and researched the story of John Darwin, the canoe man who famously tried to fake……
This Week in Chapel: Meet School Prefects Glory and Charlotte
IN ASSEMBLYIn assembly this week Mrs Stokes introduced herself as someone who does much more than look after the Yondr pouches! As Deputy Head Pastoral, Mrs Stokes told us that……
Isabella’s Captivating Photo Shortlisted for GSA Award
We are delighted to report that the photo ‘Unfreezing time’, submitted by Isabella W (Year 13) to the GSA photography competition, has been selected to move through to the next……