Mrs Moore Tells Queenswood to “Go Wild!”
Next week in Chapel, Mrs Moore – Head of Personalised Learning at Queenswood, will be challenging our students to go wild for the rest of June! There is no need……
Hertfordshire Festival of Music – Live Music-Making Returns to Queenswood!
After more than a year without any public performances, what a tonic it was to welcome the public into our concert venues for a week of glorious live music.Tehya D……
Families in Focus Parenting Course
Mrs Moore, Head of Personalised Learning at Queenswood, would like to share details of a free parenting course open to parents of children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)……
Weekend Fun – Football’s Coming Home!
There is only one type of fun to be had this weekend – football! As parents dust off their Euro 96 shirts and the humming of Baddiel and Skinner’s anthem……
This Week I Am Reading… Year 7 Students Katie, Lola and Issy
A group of Year 7 students have enjoyed reading ‘Things the Eye Can’t See’ by Penny Joelson during their Personalised Learning lessons. It is a story of Libby and how……