Sofia M Joins England U16 Hockey Squad
We are thrilled for Year 11 Sports Scholar Sofia M, who has been selected for the England U16 Hockey Squad.Sofia has put in a tremendous amount of hard work over……
Year 9 Japanese: Shop Windows
Over the last couple of weeks, Year 9 Japanese students have been looking at ‘traditional souvenirs of Japan’.Pupils were invited to research this theme and then design a shop window……
Sporting Fixtures Go Live!
After months of training and virtual competition, we are delighted to see Q pupils back in action in live sporting competition.U13 ‘QBallers’ at the ISFA Regional Finals on Wednesday 19……
A Stroll around Queenswood’s Gardens and chapel this week
With what appears to be a grey weekend approaching, we thought you might like to take a look at some shots of Queenswood’s beautiful gardens and Chapel to brighten the……
Mental Health Awareness Week – Resources from Ms Bishop
Further to her address in Chapel last week about connecting with nature, Katie Bishop, Queenswood’s School Counsellor and members of the teaching and boarding staff have been discussing positive mental……