Year 12 Students Submit Essays for Major University Competitions
Two of our Year 12 Academic Scholars have recently submitted essays to prestigious university competitions.Meyiwa W has entered the University of Sheffield History Essay Competition with a thought-provoking analysis of……
This Week I Am Reading… Mr Nick Kelley – Head of Publicity
Mr Nick Kelley is Head of Publicity at Queenswood, in addition to teaching Drama and (from September 2021) Media Studies. Nick shares his review of Michael Palin’s Erebus: The Story……
Juniper on the Benefits of Boarding
Juniper W (Year 9) joined Mrs Cameron, Mrs Ludwick (and Zennor the dog!) for an online discussion about the merits of boarding on Tuesday, as part of an Independent Schools……
OQ Announcements
As we begin to enjoy the slow return to a more normal way of life, it is wonderful to share some joyful Old Queenswoodian news. Here’s to love, laughter and……
Weekend Fun: Go Birdie Watching and Play Crazy Golf!
If you like the idea of some outdoor fun with friends or family this weekend, why not play a round or two of crazy golf? This mini version of the……