Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

  • Spring 2017 Week 2–3: Challenges and Opportunities

    The spring term has started with a real buzz for all of us at Q. Years 11, 12 and 13 have settled into the demands of their mock examinations and……

    POSTED : Tuesday 17 January 2017
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    Queenswood will be running a normal school day today. However, we do recognise that the ice will impact some more than others; as such we will be understanding if girls……

    POSTED : Friday 13 January 2017
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  • Year 9 Parents: did you miss the GCSE Options meeting?

    If you were unable to attend the Options meeting for all Year 9 parents held on Wednesday 11 January, you can watch the speeches from Head of Middle School Charlotte……

    POSTED : Wednesday 11 January 2017
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  • Queenswood community shows tremendous generosity

    We would like to thank all parents, girls and staff who contributed in any way to our Charity week in December. We collected a great deal of produce for our……

    POSTED : Tuesday 10 January 2017
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  • Queenswood Piano Competition 2017

    Wednesday 8 February  Adjudicated byJames Kirby The competition, now in its eighth year,  is open to all pianists in the school. Entry forms are available from Mrs Paris in the……

    POSTED : Monday 9 January 2017
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