This Week in Chapel: Head Girl Speeches
ASSEMBLYOn Monday and Tuesday, eight of the students chosen to be the Senior Prefect Team for 2025/26 gave a speech to encourage students to vote for them as Head Girl…….
Pi Day Puzzles and Problem Solving
STEPHEN PAINE, HEAD OF MATHEMATICS Last Friday, March 14th, our Year 9 and 10 mathematicians celebrated Pi Day in a truly engaging way! Instead of traditional lessons, students dove into……
The Quire – GSA Choir of the Year Finalists
We are very proud to report that The Quire, our non-auditioned choir for pupils of all ages, performed superbly at the final of the GSA Choir of the Year at……
Weekend Fun: Spring is in the Air!
The much awaited warmer weather heralded the glorious arrival of spring this week, and we can’t wait to get outside! Enjoying nature is a fantastic way to wind down and……
Newsletter Club: Spring Photography Walk
VANESSA LEIGH Spring has sprung and the Newsletter Club couldn’t wait to get out and about on their annual spring photography walk on Tuesday. The girls had permission to use……