Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

  • Global Young Leaders Conference

    It’s the time of year when we begin to think about nominations for the 2017 Global Young Leaders Conference. The Lower Sixth have enjoyed a presentation from some of last year’s……

    POSTED : Friday 7 October 2016
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  • Queenswood Sixth Formers attend Cambridge Law Seminars

    As part of their Access and Outreach programme, Emmanuel College, Cambridge, held a two-day Law seminar in late September. Ellegrace Ofosu-Bossman, Lyna Kermoud and Yasmin Maturano Rodrigues (Upper Sixth) attended,……

    POSTED : Monday 3 October 2016
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  • Week 4 – Leadership

    As September draws to an end I amreminded by my youngest son that there are ‘only 87 sleeps until Christmas!’ My first month as Principal has flown by, and I……

    POSTED : Friday 30 September 2016
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  • Queenswood coders at the Centre for Computing History

    Year 10 and 11 Computing students spent a fascinating and informative day at the Centre for Computing History in Cambridge on Thursday 22 September. They got to experience 1980s-style coding……

    POSTED : Friday 30 September 2016
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  • Breaking the Glass Ceiling

      Young women need to be brave enough to ask a question at a big meeting, or to disagree with the crowd view. They need to be able to try,……

    POSTED : Thursday 29 September 2016
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