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  • House Leadership Training

    Lydia Partridge and Olivia Garwood, Hartley, write: On the 16 June, four members of each House were sent on a day out they would never forget, and we were two of……

    POSTED : Tuesday 1 July 2014
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  • Eleanor performs with the Barbican Young Orchestra

    This summer, Eleanor Grant (Year 9) had the privilege of playing with the Barbican Young Orchestra at the new Milton Court concert hall on the opening day of the City……

    POSTED : Monday 30 June 2014
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  • Diane MacLean – A Royal Gift to Paris

    On 7th June 2014 OQ Diane MacLean’s sculpture ‘Open Book’ was unveiled by Her Majesty The Queen, assisted by President Hollande, in the Place Lepine, Ile de la Cite, Paris…….

    POSTED : Thursday 26 June 2014
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  • Squashed Tomato Challenge

    On 24 June Year 7 completed the Squashed Tomato Challenge during their Global Citizenship Day.  They began their day by learning about the Geography of Nepal as well as looking……

    POSTED : Thursday 26 June 2014
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  • Charity Cheque Presentations

    On Thursday 19 June we held our annual Cheque Presentation Lunch. Slightly later than usual, we handed over cheques to representatives from the two charities we supported in 2012/13.  These were Starfish……

    POSTED : Thursday 26 June 2014
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