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  • Year 8 and Year 10 – County Tennis Champions

    There is some exceptional Tennis talent in the Lower and Middle School this year, and in June two teams became County Champions within the space of a week. The Year……

    POSTED : Thursday 26 June 2014
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  • Disaster Day in association with World AIMS

    On 17 June Sarah Corris from the World AIMS department of the charity All We Can spent the day with Year 9 talking about disasters. Girls started the day by……

    POSTED : Tuesday 24 June 2014
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  • School Badminton Finals – Results

    The school Badminton finals were held last Friday 20 June. The tournament is a singles knockout competition played from January to June.  This was the second year of this tournament……

    POSTED : Tuesday 24 June 2014
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  • Summer Concert

    There were terrific ensemble and small group performances at the Summer Concert, held in the Old Pool Hall on Monday 16 June.  ……

    POSTED : Monday 23 June 2014
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  • Musician of the Year

    After a wonderful day of music making on Thursday 12 June, 19 girls were selected from the Preliminary Rounds adjudicated by Mr Kokkinos to take part in the Final at……

    POSTED : Monday 23 June 2014
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