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  • Ema to represent Great Britain at the Home of Tennis

    We are thrilled to announce that Ema Lazic (Year 10) has been selected by the LTA to represent Great Britain at the IC 16 and Under Junior Challenge Worldwide Finals, to……

    POSTED : Tuesday 3 June 2014
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  • LTA President comes to Queenswood

    On a blustery afternoon in May, we weredelighted to welcome to Queenswood Cathie Sabin, the first female President of the Lawn Tennis Association, to present prizes at the Nicola Mabbitt……

    POSTED : Tuesday 3 June 2014
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  • The Pied Piper

    ‘Hamelin Town in Hanover City’, sang Eleanor Grant, locating this marvellous fairy tale with her opening solo, sung from the rooftops of a charmingly wonky set. Such confidence, talent and……

    POSTED : Monday 2 June 2014
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  • The Tudor Bride’ – a new novel by OQ Joanna Hickson

    OQ Joanna Hickson’s latest historical novel, The Tudor Bride, has just hit the bookshops. It is a sequel to The Agincourt Bride (2013) and continues the story of Catherine de……

    POSTED : Thursday 22 May 2014
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  • UVI Leavers – Sumptuous Afternoon Tea at Luton Hoo

    The Upper Sixth enjoyed a fittingly stylish end to their Queenswood careers with an afternoon tea at the stunning Luton Hoo Hotel in Bedfordshire on the afternoon of 21 May…….

    POSTED : Thursday 22 May 2014
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