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  • International Junior Tennis coming to Queenswood

    We are delighted to announce that between Saturday 12 and Saturday 19 July 2014, Queenswood School is hosting an LTA-International Tennis Tournament for Under 18s and Under 14s in partnership……

    POSTED : Thursday 22 May 2014
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  • Trip to Henry Moore Exhibition

    Queenswood students enjoyed a leisurely stroll around the serenely beautiful Henry Moore Foundation in nearby Perry Green on Sunday 11 May. They were visiting a new exhibition – Body &……

    POSTED : Tuesday 13 May 2014
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  • The Gold Singing Competition 2014

    We enjoyed a splendid evening in the Kennedy Hall on Thursday 8 May, with some amazing performances from Queenswood’s songbirds. Our adjudicator, the vivacious Deryn Edwards,  had a very difficult……

    POSTED : Monday 12 May 2014
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  • Fairtrade Fortnight

    Fairtrade fortnight took place between 24 February and 9 March. The focus this year was the banana trade. Queenswood organised several banana-themed activities, from baking chocolate and banana muffins using Fairtrade materials, to holding……

    POSTED : Thursday 8 May 2014
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  • Year 9 Protest Song wins national Amnesty Competition

    The Music Department are thrilled to announce that a protest song written by three Year 9 students has won a national competition organised by Amnesty International. Leah Grant, Annabel Brin……

    POSTED : Thursday 8 May 2014
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