Queenswood and some of its characters
How fortunate we are to have in our possession a 1948 pen/ink caricature drawing by Miss Alma Whitford, which was kindly donated to Queenswood by her second cousin, Mr Jere……
Colette – the best GB can get!
We are delighted to announce that Colette Bacon (Year 8) has been selected to represent Great Britain at a Europeansailing event in Holland this coming Easter. This is an outstanding……
Should you put your daughter on the stage?
Seven aspiring OQ Drama Queens fill us in on treading the boards beyond Queenswood.In the past seven years since leaving Queenswood I haveformed three different theatre companies, all still running……
Homepride Win is Icing on the Cake for Poppleton Sisters
Sisters Emma and Rachel Poppleton have won a national competition to design a Wallace and Gromit-themed cake. Their incredible confection proved the most popular in an online poll, and has……
Four generations at the Snowflake Lunch
The families of Year 7 girls enjoyed a delightful winter-themed Snowflake Lunch on Saturday 11 January, and were treated to some exceptional musical entertainment. The photograph above shows four very proud……