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  • Queenswood and some of its characters

    How fortunate we are to have in our possession a 1948 pen/ink caricature drawing by Miss Alma Whitford, which was kindly donated to Queenswood by her second cousin, Mr Jere……

    POSTED : Friday 17 January 2014
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  • Colette – the best GB can get!

    We are delighted to announce that Colette Bacon (Year 8) has been selected to represent Great Britain at a Europeansailing event in Holland this coming Easter. This is an outstanding……

    POSTED : Thursday 16 January 2014
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  • Should you put your daughter on the stage?

    Seven aspiring OQ Drama Queens fill us in on treading the boards beyond Queenswood.In the past seven years since leaving Queenswood I haveformed three different theatre companies, all still running……

    POSTED : Wednesday 15 January 2014
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  • Homepride Win is Icing on the Cake for Poppleton Sisters

    Sisters Emma and Rachel Poppleton have won a national competition to design a Wallace and Gromit-themed cake. Their incredible confection proved the most popular in an online poll, and has……

    POSTED : Tuesday 14 January 2014
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  • Four generations at the Snowflake Lunch

    The families of Year 7 girls enjoyed a delightful winter-themed Snowflake Lunch on Saturday 11 January, and were treated to some exceptional musical entertainment. The photograph above shows four very proud……

    POSTED : Monday 13 January 2014
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